Originally broadcasted 6/12/06
Fade In:
Council Helicopter – Over Cleveland Watchers Council HQ – Day
“Would you look at that?” the pilot told the group. “Damn.”
Part of the Council headquarters was unbalanced to one side, and a crack went straight up the road, bringing traffic to a halt.
Cut To:
Cleveland Street – Same Time
Kennedy stood in front of the hood of the totally destroyed van. She walked back around to the back door, which was now open. She poked her head back inside.
“Everybody still okay?” she asked, receiving several nods from Brell, Reteesk and the others. Kennedy waved them out. “Come on, gang, looks like we’re hoofin’ it.”
Cut To:
Council Helicopter – Over Cleveland Watchers Council HQ – Minutes Later
“I can’t land on the roof,” the pilot said, “It might be too unstable. Let me fly around back to find another approach.”
As he did, that was when the group saw demons starting to scale the Council walls.
“Good god,” Giles said, stunned.
“Put it down on the roof, as close to the door as you can,” Willow told the pilot.
“I don’t think –” the pilot tried to argue.
“Just do it!” she shouted.
Reluctantly, the pilot changed direction. Willow turned sharply to Vi.
“Get everybody inside as quick as you can. Andrew, Jeff and I will hold them off. Skye, you stay here for now.”
“What?” Skye asked. Vi replied simply by nodding.
“Kill the engine,” Willow told the pilot.
“We’ll fall straight down!” he told her.
“Quiesco!” Willow yelled, waving her hand.
The helicopter’s engine died instantly. The propeller came to a dead stop and the vehicle fell like a rock toward the Council roof.
“Hang on!” the pilot yelled, as everyone gripped their seats.
The demons who were almost to the door from the roof looked up just in time to be crushed by the falling helicopter as it landed with a smash.
“Go!” Willow yelled to Vi. The slayer quickly opened the door and took a defensive stance as Giles, Andrew, Tracey and the pilot cleared the vehicle and began to run toward the door. From her seat inside, Willow started to chant and raise her hands in front of her. An orange tunnel began to take shape from the helicopter exit to the door into the building. Jeff and Andrew looked on in amazement and smiled.
Willow stopped chanting but kept her arms raised. The barrier seemed stable for the moment.
“Skye, stand in the middle of the tunnel,” she ordered.
Skye looked unsure, but Jeff pushed her arm to get her in motion. Willow reached out and grabbed one each of Jeff’s and Andrew’s hands.
“This is gonna hurt me more than it’s gonna hurt you,” she warned. She took a deep breath and shouted, “Extundo diabolus!”
Skye slammed into the orange tunnel wall and fell to the roof on her backside, while the demons that were closing in on the tunnel were thrown from the rooftop completely. Simultaneously, Andrew and Jeff howled in pain, but didn’t let go of Willow’s hands.
Cut To:
Watchers Council – Same Time
Demons that were scaling the walls were instantly thrown back, tumbling toward the ground below them.
Cut To:
Watchers Council – Same Time
Inside the building, slayers and junior slayers alike were battling the few demons that had worked their way through the windows. At the sound of Willow’s words the demons flew back into the walls, enough to confuse them long enough for the slayers to descend.
Cut To:
Council Helicopter – Moments Later
Willow collapsed face first, but neither Andrew nor Jeff could catch her. Jeff was the first to shake his arms, as if he’d received an electrical jolt.
“Willow?” he asked, as he finally managed to roll her over. When she didn’t move or open her eyes, Jeff looked over to Andrew. “We’ve got to get her out of here,” he said, moving outside of the helicopter.
He reached back inside while Andrew slid Willow toward him. Jeff scooped her up into his arms and steadied her before heading toward the door.
Skye sat dazed next to the tunnel, which was still holding its shape. Andrew pulled her to her feet, letting her rest her weight on his as they hobbled toward the door.
Cut To:
Giles’s House – Minutes Later
Becca continued to look outside, but this time she saw something different in the sky and squinted her eyes to look out over the horizon. She was peering closer through the door when a winged demon jumped in front of her line of sight from the rooftop and she stumbled back with a scream.
The demon reached behind itself to grab a patio chair and slammed it against the glass door, but Becca was already in motion. She ran to Elizabeth and hoisted her from the playpen, then ran toward the kitchen.
As she shoved her car keys in her pocket, she heard the sound of breaking glass. Another demon entered with a jump and landed on the dining room table. The noise startled Elizabeth, along with her mother’s screams, and the baby began to cry.
The demon smiled a very toothy smile as he hopped from the table and began to make his way toward the pair. Becca continued to back up until she saw the hallway from the other side of the kitchen, leading to the front door. She took off in a sprint, but before she could clear the hallway to the foyer, the demon jumped out to meet her, cutting off her escape. She doubled back toward the kitchen, with Elizabeth still crying and wrapped in her arms. This time when she returned, another demon was present, cutting her off from the dining room.
Becca tightened her hold on Elizabeth and backed toward the counter. Both demons stalked closer to them menacingly.
Black Out
End of Teaser