Act 4
Fade In:
La Palma – Outpost – Resume
Kennedy was pacing inside the outpost.
“Willow, there’s a bomb planted in the Council! You’ve got to get out of the gym! Willow?” Kennedy yelled out.
Jen watched in anticipation from a nearby chair. “Tell her –” she tried to say.
Kennedy just held out her arm, trying to get Jen to be quiet. Meanwhile, Liz took Nikki by the elbow, leading her to a corner.
“We need to move, since I’m sure they’ll be coming soon,” Liz told her quietly. Nikki nodded. “Lead everyone up the mountain, and we’ll follow behind shortly. We’ll meet you at the east side of the next structure.”
Nikki nodded again. Then she walked over to speak softly to the people gathered nearby. As they began to file out, Liz turned back to Kennedy and Jen.
“Willow?” Kennedy said again, desperately trying to establish mental contact.
Cut To:
Watchers Council – London Branch – Gymnasium – Same Time
Willow was directing the last of the books to leave when she cocked her head slightly.
“Ken?” she asked.
Cut To:
La Palma – Outpost – Same Time
“If you’re in the gym, get everyone out now! There’s a bomb. Do you hear me? Get everyone out of the gym! Get everyone out of the gym!” Kennedy ordered, repeating the words over and over.
Cut To:
Watchers Council – London Branch – Gymnasium – Same Time
“Got it,” Willow called out mentally to Kennedy.
Out loud, she yelled, “Everyone out of the gym, now!” She motioned to the doors on either side. “Drop what you’re doing and go!”
“What’s going on?” Rowena asked, walking up with Althenea.
Willow took the two of them by the arms and began to lead them to a set of doors.
“Go,” she told them, before turning back to the assembly. “Get everyone out, now!” Willow shouted again. “Come on, people! Move!”
“Will?” Rowena tried again.
Willow gently pushed Rowena and Althenea into the flow of human traffic. She stayed behind, directing people to leave.
Cut To:
La Palma – Outpost – Same Time
“Are they okay? Did they get out?” Jen asked Kennedy.
Kennedy’s expression was one of uncertainty.
“Talk to me here, Will. Are you out?”
Cut To:
Watchers Council – London Branch – Hallway – Same Time
When the last person cleared the doors, Willow gave him a thumbs-up and began to leave herself, jogging down the hallway to catch the other people who had cleared the corner.
She had almost rounded the corner herself when a tremendous bang knocked her from her feet and sent her flying into the wall directly in front of her.
From around the corner, Willow’s kids, Althenea and Rowena saw what happened.
“Ma!” Alex, Jake and Sophie all yelled at the same time.
Rowena and Althenea, who were standing off to the side as people continued to move past them, raced back toward the fallen witch, with the kids at their heels.
“Are you all right?” Althenea asked. “Bloody hell,” she added, as she began to examine Willow’s body for any visible signs of damage.
Willow nodded as she groggily sat up. “Yeah, yeah,” she told her. “I think I dislocated something, though,” she replied, gripping her own shoulder.
“Let’s get you to the medics,” Althenea said.
Rowena turned to all the kids, but addressed Alex first. “Have some bomb sniffing dogs sent to the big Coven Room. You guys know the one I mean?” she asked all of them. They all replied with a nod. “Good, go,” she said, pointing to Alex. As he took off into a run, Rowena turned to the two children left. “Sophie, get everyone organized on this side of the gym and start to put out that blaze. Once that’s done, have them wait out by the big Coven Room, but don’t go in until it’s all clear. Jake, same with you, but get to the members that left through the doors on the other side. Understand?” They both nodded. “Good, go on.” Both children looked down at Willow. “We’ve got her,” Rowena assured them. “Go see to the others.”
As the kids left to do their tasks, Rowena then moved to Willow’s other side, and together she and Althenea gently pulled Willow to her feet. From the opposite end of the hallway, the first emergency crews began to arrive to put out the resulting blaze, while a few witches Sophie had gathered began to help.
“I got tossed a little, but we’re all okay, Ken,” Willow said aloud, as she hobbled along with Althenea and Rowena. “Great timing. How did you know?”
Cut To:
La Palma – Outpost – Same Time
Kennedy sighed and then smiled. She nodded to Jen and said, “They’re all okay.”
Jen then followed suit, releasing the breath she’d also been holding. Liz patted Jen on the shoulder in support as they both started to smile.
“Teamwork,” Kennedy said, answering Willow’s question. “Jen hacked, Liz read, I Wicca’ed and here we are.”
Cut To:
Watchers Council – London Branch – Hallway – Same Time
Willow chuckled. “That’s my girls,” she said with a smile.
Cut To:
La Palma – Outpost – Same Time
“You made your mom proud, Sweetie,” Kennedy told Jen with a smile, before she turned slightly to speak to Willow again. “Any idea on how Karim knew you guys would be in the gym, and how he got a bomb planted so quickly?”
Cut To:
Watchers Council – London Branch – Hallway – Same Time
“No,” Willow answered. “We’re on lock down. The only ones who have come in have been coven members.”
Cut To:
La Palma – Outpost – Same Time
“It must someone there, then,” Kennedy speculated.
Cut To:
Watchers Council – London Branch – Hallway – Same Time
Willow stopped walking and turned to face the gathering in the hallway. She closed her eyes and scanned the various groups. She shook her head.
“No,” Willow told her. “They’re all rattled pretty bad. It’s not any of them.”
Cut To:
La Palma – Outpost – Same Time
“If that’s the case, then how’d he do it? I mean, how did he know you’d all be in that location? The London branch is huge. What the hell, Will…can this guy see the future or something?” Kennedy paused a moment and said, “That’s it,” at the same time Willow uttered the phrase in her mind. “If that’s true, he might already know our game plan…”
Cut To:
Watchers Council – London Branch – Hallway – Same Time
“Well, if that’s true, then he would have seen that this plot wouldn’t succeed. Why would he plant a bomb to begin with, if he knows you stopped him. Follow me?”
Cut To:
La Palma – Outpost – Same Time
Kennedy paused for a moment to soak in the words. “You mean he would have seen you escape, and he would have used another method – something that would have worked.”
Cut To:
Watchers Council – London Branch – Hallway – Same Time
“Exactly. But that didn’t happen.”
“So what does that mean, then?”
Willow considered it. “Hmm, either he can’t see too far, or he’s not looking at all times. I’ll have a few of our seers start researching it. But regardless, you’re going to have to find Karim, and fast,” she instructed. “Get as close as possible to block his magic. I don’t want to take the chance of him getting one up on us again.”
Cut To:
La Palma – Outpost – Same Time
“Willow, if he knows what we’re going to do…”
Cut To:
Watchers Council – London Branch – Hallway – Same Time
“Seeing the future isn’t dependable, Ken. Small things can affect outcomes in big ways. But just to be sure, I’ll change the motor route now and have the slayers and ops sweep the areas we intend to go. As long as Karim can see what we’re doing, then we’re in danger of him stopping the spell and our efforts. We need to block him or throw him off somehow.”
Cut To:
La Palma – Outpost – Same Time
“You focus on the spell. I’ll worry about blocking Karim,” Kennedy told her. “In fact, it might not be a bad idea to use the press to our advantage here. If you’re dead, then he might not bother tracking you anymore. And I’m sure, egomaniac that he is, Karim is watching the events on TV, looking to pat himself on the back.”
“What do you have in mind?” she heard Willow ask.
“We use his arrogance against him,” Kennedy replied.
Cut To:
Watchers Council – Media Room – Minutes Later
Giles stood in the wings of Grace’s set for addressing the media, his phone to his ear.
“Sweetheart, I can’t say much right now, but please turn off the television. I’m on my way home, and once I arrive, I’ll explain why.”
“Rupert…?” Becca began to ask.
“Please, just do it, all right?”
Giles heard her leave the phone and then return. “Okay, it’s off.”
“Good, I’m on my way. I’ll turn it on when I get there.”
Giles shut off the phone and walked over to Grace, who was sitting behind the desk.
“If you need me, call,” he told her. “And if you hear anything…”
“I will,” Grace assured him. “Thank you, Giles.”
A technician walked up to them. “We’re ready in twenty seconds, Grace.”
Giles waved his goodbye and walked away, as Grace righted her suit and looked toward the cameraman. As he counted down, she cleared her throat, and when he pointed to her, she began to speak.
“I apologize for this interruption,” she said to the viewing audience. “But we promised to issue updates as they became available, and we have an unfortunate one to share. We have confirmed that a bomb was detonated inside the London branch of the Watchers Council, killing the coven members who had gathered to face this latest threat. At this point, there are no survivors.” Grace paused for a moment, as if trying to keep her composure. “In light of this new information, we’ve asked the governments of North and South America to step up their evacuations. I’d also like to say, having known many of these men and women personally, my deepest sympathy…and empathy…goes out to all their loved ones.” Grace’s lip trembled, but she bit it slightly and squared her shoulders. “The Council is not halting its efforts to find Muhammad Karim in the least, but as a precaution, we do ask that evacuations continue as planned. Thank you for your time and, again, our apologies for the interruption.”
As the cameraman faded out the broadcast, Grace stood from the desk and began to walk from the room.
Cut To:
Watchers Council – Hallway – Moments Later
“Saw the monitor,” Shannon said. She stood outside in the hallway, clapping lightly as Grace emerged. “And the Emmy goes to…” she teased.
“Can I act, or can I act?” Graced asked as they both walked along.
“Yes, a fine performance. And that little teary look? Classic,” Shannon complimented.
“Well, let’s just hope it works,” Grace told her. “I don’t want to give an address like that for real.”
Cut To:
La Palma – Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
Karim stood in front of a large screen with an armed guard stood beside him. A delighted look played across his dark features as he watched Grace’s speech.
“Wonderful,” he told the man. “Now there’s no one who can stop us in time. We need to proceed.”
Cut To:
England – Unmarked Van – Night
The Cleveland Coven sat in the back of a van, swaying back and forth with the movement of the road.
Two younger members, who were sitting next to each other but across from Willow and Rowena, were beginning to look a bit ill.
“How are you gals holding up?” Willow asked.
“I can’t see why we didn’t take the hovercraft,” one said. “I haven’t been in a car in years.”
“That was the original plan,” Willow replied, “but now that’s changed. Besides, doing things the old-fashioned way is better sometimes. It builds character.”
Rowena grinned as both girls groaned.
The other girl then said, “I feel sick, and I think I’m getting whiplash from this bumpy road.”
“Easy now, Megan,” Willow answered. “No one likes a drama queen.”
Rowena tried not to chuckle.
Cut To:
La Palma – Forest Near Karim’s Fortress – Night
Nikki crouched with some slayers near some trees and bushes, not far from Karim’s fortress. She looked tense, but then relaxed as she looked over her shoulder.
Liz, Jen and Kennedy arrived, taking a spot next to Nikki by the bushes.
“We saw a large group of men head in your direction a while ago. I thought you guys were dead,” Nikki told Liz.
“We crossed paths as we were coming,” Liz said, “but we laid low for a minute, and they didn’t see us.”
“How can you be sure?” Nikki asked.
“For one, we’re not dead,” Liz replied.
“Good point,” Nikki admitted. “Anyway, I don’t think there’s as many in there now. It could be just more demons. I’ve seen a couple of varieties walking around, but no Vutch, thank god. If we’re going to make a move…”
“…now’s the time,” Liz finished.
“The slayers can’t take Karim on,” Kennedy began. “I’ll do it, but real quiet like, okay? I don’t want an all-out battle with this guy, because I don’t think I can win. But if I can work a little mojo from the shadows, throw him off his game, then that might buy Will and her crew the time she needs. Understand?”
Liz nodded. “Okay, Jen?” she said, getting the younger woman’s attention. “You get the slayers ready. Nikki and I will try to get Ken inside to find Karim while you distract them, got it?”
Jen nodded and then ran over to her group.
Cut To:
England – Unmarked Van – Same Time
Willow opened the van doors, and the sound of gunfire immediately ripped through the air. She quickly slammed the door shut.
“Everyone down!” she ordered.
Another series of shots rang out again as the sound of metal hitting metal and breaking glass filled the van. After another short lull, the sound of two single gunshots echoed in the still air.
“Everyone okay so far?” Willow asked in the sudden eerie silence. The response was a chorus of yeses and yeahs.
Suddenly, the door to the van opened. The group collectively screamed and jumped at the same time. Quickly after that, they noticed it was a Black Ops officer with a Council logo on their uniform.
“We’ve neutralized the threat,” she said. “Your covens can set up now.”
“T-thanks,” Willow stuttered, still trying to get her bearings. She then turned to Rowena. “Guess Karim had a backup plan after all. We’ve gotta do this quick.”
“It’s not going to be a demon,” Rowena muttered.
“Huh?” Willow asked.
“When I die, it’s going to be from a heart attack, not a demon,” she told her. “She couldn’t knock first for Pete’s sake?”
Willow grinned. “Come on, guys,” she told everyone. “Let’s set up.”
Cut To:
White Cliffs of Dover – Continuous
As Willow and her companions exited, ten other vans began to empty, each one filled with witches. All began to walk to a central location, supplies in hand.
Cut To:
La Palma – Forest Near Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
The team of slayers, with Jen in the lead, rushed two demons who were standing guard. Quickly, five more joined the fray outside. From the woods, Liz, Nikki and Kennedy held back and watched.
“Okay,” Kennedy said to Liz and Nikki. “You wait here. I’ve got to do this one alone.”
Liz harrumphed. “I don’t think so,” she answered sarcastically. “Watchers watch slayers. They help guard their backs.”
“I’m not a slayer anymore,” Kennedy replied. “Your point is moot.”
“Moot, schmoot,” Liz replied. “I’m not letting you go in there alone, and yeah, you might not have slayer strength, but you’re still a slayer in here,” she added, tapping over Kennedy’s heart. “So you can face Karim, or not face him as the case may be, but we have to make sure you get within striking distance.”
“You are not going to let this go, are you?” Kennedy asked. Liz just smiled. “Oh, Lord,” she sighed. “You’re as pigheaded as your father.”
“And let’s not forget mom,” Liz replied. “She’s got a mule quality of her own. Put them both together…” Liz gave her an exaggerated smile and then made a grand sweeping gesture of her hand from head to toe.
“So by your logic, put a pig and an ass together and you get a Liz?” Kennedy smiled.
Nikki began to giggle and refused to look at Liz, who was now glaring at her.
“Your words, not mine,” Liz said to Kennedy.
“Okay,” Kennedy relented, still smiling. Soon, however, she looked serious. “You can come, but I call the shots.” She motioned to them to follow her.
Cut To:
La Palma – Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
Karim was moving some supplies around his coven room for his spell when a guard entered.
“I told you I was not to be disturbed,” he told the guard, annoyed and not bothering to face him.
“I know, Sir, but slayers have infiltrated the base.”
Karim paused for a moment. “That’s fine. Hold them for as long as you can.”
“We’ll do our best, but it’s possible they might break our defenses. You could be in danger.”
Karim finally turned to look at the guard.
“Once the spell is done, they can come,” he told the man. “If they do kill me, so be it. I’ll have my reward awaiting me in heaven, as will you. Now, go. Join the fight. I’ll be fine.”
The soldier left again, closing the door behind him while Karim resumed his task.
Cut To:
White Cliffs of Dover – Open Field Near Shore – Same Time
“Time is of the essence here,” Althenea told the gathering. “Get the supplies in order and place them here at the center. Quickly now, let’s go.”
Willow wiped her sweating brow and began to mumble, just barely intelligible. “It’s probably too late, and this won’t work. I can’t believe this. We’re not gonna make it. We’re not. And –”
“Get a grip,” Althenea told her, taking her by the shoulders. Willow winced. “Oops, sorry,” Althenea said, quickly releasing her before continuing. “Look, it will work. You just need to have faith in the Goddess.”
“It’s not the Goddess I’m worried about,” Willow said. “It’s the spell. If this doesn’t work…if we can’t contact the goddess…”
“It will work,” Althenea insisted. “Come hell or high water, we’ll make it work. All right? Confidence and focus, remember that?”
“Confidence and focus, right,” Willow repeated. Then she began to stare off across the Channel, the wheels in her mind clearly turning.
“Willow!” Althenea said firmly.
“Right, focus,” she repeated. Althenea didn’t look convinced, and Willow went on. “I’m sorry, but I can’t help thinking we need a better backup. If this doesn’t work…”
“You deal with her,” Althenea told Rowena with a smile. “I have to finish setting up.” Before she left, though, Althenea gripped Willow’s hand for a moment and gave it a pat. “Relax, dear.”
They watched as Althenea walked away to help the covens get in order.
“Our kids are safe, for the most part,” Willow told Rowena. “But all those other people, and their kids, and the ones who won’t get out in time, a-and…”
“You can do this,” Rowena told her calmly. “Deep down, you know that’s true,” Rowena told her. When Willow didn’t reply, she continued. “Althenea is the second most powerful witch on this planet. Just remember, you’re the first.” Willow began to brush her off. “I’m serious,” Rowena insisted. “All the things I’ve seen you do in the last thirty years, Will…well, they’re positively incredible. Just realize, this spell is no different. It’s one this Council, the entire world, will be talking about for decades. So get out there and show Karim what happens when you screw with the good guys.”
Willow began to grin. “Confidence and focus,” she said more calmly this time. “Got it,” she added.
“Good, now let’s get finished,” Rowena told her.
Cut To:
La Palma – Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
Once inside the fortress, Jen motioned to two slayers on either side of her and nodded for them to run forward. As four demons ran toward them, the three slayers joined hands and clotheslined the demons, which sent them flat on their back.
More demons rushed from two hallways on either side to stop the slayer onslaught. Jen pulled a weapon from her boot. At first it looked like a single blade, but with a quick flick of her wrist, it separated into three other blades. After she gave it a firm shake, a line went out from each blade.
Jen then reared back like she was throwing a baseball, but continued to hold the hilt. The blades all separated as they flew and embedded themselves in the heads of three demons, felling them all at the same time. She paused for a second as a demon came up behind her. Not waiting for him to strike, she held onto the device and back-flipped over his head.
Before the demon could turn, Jen had the line wrapped around the demon’s neck, and gave it a firm pull. His body quickly went limp, and she tossed him to the ground. She pulled another sword from the scabbard on her back and readied herself for the next onslaught as she grit her teeth.
As the slayers continued their fight, Liz, Nikki and Kennedy broke off from the group, heading down one of the hallways. All three of them reached into their boots and pulled out a blade like Jen’s. Only this time, instead of having three points, their devices each merged into a single, long blade.
Kennedy closed her eyes and put her hand forward, as if feeling Karim’s location out.
“This way,” she said, as they started to move down the vacant hallway.
Cut To:
White Cliffs of Dover – Open Field Near Shore – Same Time
“Everyone join hands, and don’t break the circle,” Althenea told them all. As the group of a hundred-plus witches formed a circle, Althenea began to lead the chant in Latin, and the others followed suit.
Soon the entire area was filled with the sounds of various voices and accents, all speaking in Latin.
Cut To:
La Palma – Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
Kennedy stopped in front of one of the chambers. She looked around and found one small nook that only she would have room to hide within.
“Okay, ladies,” she whispered. “End of the line. I’m going to try to block his magic from outside the room, in this recess. So go back and help Jen and the girls.”
“Kennedy, are you sure this is the place?” Liz asked, her voice also low.
“Positive,” Kennedy replied. “Now go on, so I can get to work.”
Liz seemed reluctant, but nodded. She gave Kennedy’s hand a firm shake. “I guess it’s up to you,” she told her. “But you know…no pressure.” The two women grinned at each other and then Liz motioned for Nikki to follow her.
Once the pair was gone, Kennedy crept closer to the chamber door and listened. She walked back to her hiding spot and opened her mouth to say something. Suddenly, the area began to quake violently, but then it subsided again.
“Willow,” Kennedy called out silently, “Not to rush you or anything, but I think Karim is at it. You might want to get this spell going pronto.”
Cut To:
White Cliffs of Dover – Open Field Near Shore – Same Time
Willow still said her incantation in Latin, but at the same time, she mentally replied to Kennedy. “We just need a little more time.”
Cut To:
La Palma – Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
Kennedy licked her lips, and looked down in worry. After a few seconds, however, her features hardened, and she took a few deep breaths. She moved from her hiding spot and put her hand out, feeling the door.
“He’s alone,” she muttered. She began to grin and then said, “Nobody can live forever, I suppose.” Her demeanor changed yet again, back to one of determination. Then she flung open the door and darted inside.
Cut To:
La Palma – Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
Karim turned sharply to see Kennedy standing in the ritual room behind him.
“A witch?” he asked. “Now, why aren’t you dead like the others?”
Kennedy’s response was to raise her hand and release a lightning bolt that toppled Karim off the altar he had been perched upon. She sent another bolt in his direction, but he rolled, avoiding it, before jumping to his feet. He quickly returned the fire. Kennedy managed to avoid the first strike as she took off into a run, but the second blast caught her in the stomach, bringing her to her knees and making her cry out in pain.
Cut To:
White Cliffs of Dover – Open Field Near Shore – Same Time
Willow suddenly doubled over. She looked up, eyes wide. “Ken?” she called out. “Are you okay?”
Cut To:
La Palma – Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
Kennedy crawled behind the altar.
“Hurry, Will,” she told her. “I don’t know how much longer I can hold him.”
Cut To:
White Cliffs of Dover – Open Field Near Shore – Same Time
“This isn’t working!” Willow shouted to Althenea, who was a few witches down from her. “We need to try something else, and fast!”
“Maybe the rumor was true,” Althenea replied, her voice sounding somehow far away.
“No. We have to do something else!” Willow insisted.
“There isn’t any time!” Althenea shouted back.
Cut To:
La Palma – Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
Karim confidently crept around the altar, looking for Kennedy. Suddenly, she popped up across from him and sent round after round of magical blasts in his direction, pushing him back against the wall.
Karim found his second wind, however, and soon they were both trading magic blows, going toe-to-toe with one another. Breathing hard, Kennedy’s power seemed to fade, and one of Karim’s shots managed to slip past hers. The force of the blast sent her flying through the air, smashing against the wall. She landed hard on the ground, not moving at first.
Slowly, however, she opened one eye and watched what Karim was doing.
“I’m sorry, Will,” she called out with her mind. “He’s going back to his altar. I don’t think I can stop him.”
Kennedy tried to rise to her feet, but Karim saw her and sent one more lightning bolt her way. It hit her square in the back, and she fell face-first to the ground, motionless.
Cut To:
White Cliffs of Dover – Open Field Near Shore – Same Time
“Kennedy? Answer me!” Willow called out. She turned to Althenea. “I lost connection with Ken.”
Althenea looked at all the witches around her. Taking a deep breath, she quickly put the hands of the witches on either side of her together, so that the circle wouldn’t be broken. As fast as she could, she ran to the center of the coven’s ring.
From her place in the circle, Willow screamed, “Althenea, no!”
Cut To:
La Palma – Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
Karim now had his hands raised, and the earth began to tremble, the quakes growing more powerful. On the floor, Kennedy remained still.
Cut To:
White Cliffs of Dover – Open Field Near Shore – Same Time
As Rowena ran to stand behind Willow, Althenea locked eyes with them both from a position in the center of the circle of witches. As loud as she could, she yelled, “Remember your promise! No matter what, don’t let go!”
Althenea turned her back on Willow and Rowena, whipped out a dagger and drove it deep into her own heart. Her eyes went wide, and almost instantly a light enveloped her and a beam shot up into the sky. She fell to her knees, arms spread apart. Over the next few seconds, streams of light funneled from everyone in the circle, traveling into Althenea in the center. It appeared as if everyone around the circle was frozen in place.
Cut To:
La Palma – Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
Karim began to shake even more as the earth trembled even harder.
At the main entrance, Liz, Jen and Nikki looked at each other, before starting to run down the hallway to where they had left Kennedy.
Cut To:
Earth’s Atmosphere – Same Time
High in the air, through the clouds, the beam of light shot back down toward earth.
Cut To:
La Palma – Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
Karim had his arms spread and his eyes closed, as the earth shook around him. Hearing an unexpected sound, he opened his eyes just in time to see the beam of light come barreling toward him.
The light hit him with such speed and force that he instantly combusted. As his body turned to dust, the quaking stopped.
Cut To:
White Cliffs of Dover – Open Field Near Shore – Same Time
The light around Althenea vanished, and she crumpled to the ground. The other witches around her also collapsed once they were released from the light’s hold. Rowena immediately broke into a run toward the fallen witch, and Willow staggered forward trying to catch up. Arriving at Athenea’s side, Rowena hesitated. With Willow now beside her, they shared a long look and then rolled Althenea over. The dagger was still sticking in her heart, her hands firmly gripped to the hilt. A grin was frozen on her dead face.
“Oh God,” Rowena began to cry, over and over.
Alex, Jake and Sophie made their way over, along with several of the other witches.
“W-why?” Alex asked. “Why did she do that?”
Rowena looked up at them. She tried to answer, but the words wouldn’t come. She gave up and returned to cradling Althenea in her arms, rocking the two of them back and forth.
With tears streaming down her face, Willow cleared her throat and spoke. “The rumor was…that the spell only worked because a human sacrifice was made.”
Alex looked around the circle for a brief moment. “I hate to be the one to ask this, but…do we know if it worked?”
Cut To:
La Palma – Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
Liz ran into Karim’s chamber and found only a pile of dust at the altar. She looked around the room and saw Kennedy by the far wall. Jen ran over first and reached for the fallen woman.
“No!” Liz shouted. “She might have some broken bones…if she’s even alive.”
Kennedy opened one eye again and mumbled, “Some broken bones? Try all of them.”
Liz fell to her knees next to Kennedy. “Just stay put. We’ll get you moved.”
“Y’know the one thing I miss most? It’s not the speed, or the skills. It’s the slayer healing,” Kennedy quipped. She ignored the warning and sat up, eventually coming to rest with her back against the wall.
Liz smiled. “Well, I don’t know what you did, but whatever it was, it worked on Karim.”
“Being a punching bag doesn’t count, and that’s about all I did.” Kennedy closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall. “Willow, what’s wrong? What happened?” she asked, opening her eyes again.
“Something’s wrong?” Jen asked.
“She’s upset. Really, really upset.” Kennedy tried again. “Willow, can you hear me? What’s the matter?”
Cut to:
White Cliffs of Dover – Open Field Near Shore – Same Time
“Ken! Oh, thank the Goddess! You’re still alive!” Willow grinned for a moment and then began to cry.
“Why are you crying, Will?” Kennedy asked.
“Al sacrificed herself, b-but we don’t know if it worked. Please tell me that it worked. Please.”
Cut To:
La Palma – Karim’s Fortress – Same Time
“Where’s Karim?” Kennedy asked her group.
“Dusted,” Liz said, pointing to the altar, “literally.”
Kennedy got a bittersweet smile on her face that lasted only a few seconds.
“Hey Will,” she called out. “I know it doesn’t make it any easier, but…it looks like Al just saved North and South America. Karim’s toast.”
Cut To:
White Cliffs of Dover – Open Field Near Shore – Same Time
Willow wiped her eyes. She then bent over to where Rowena had laid Althenea on the ground between them. She gently kissed Althenea’s lifeless lips and then softly said, “You did it.”
Jake and Sophie both took a few steps closer, but Sophie turned her head, unable to watch anymore. The covens that had gathered around them began to nod their heads in relief, before hanging them in sadness, as word spread through the group of their success.
Fade to Black
Fade In:
England – Funeral Service – Days Later
Liz walked through the group of mourners. She stopped as she saw Rowena sitting in a chair and Willow standing over her, saying something. She watched Willow smooth the back of Rowena’s hair and walk away. Only then did she move forward.
Approaching Alex, Liz opened her arms and pulled him into a hug.
“I’m sorry,” she told him. “You gonna be okay?” she asked as she pulled away slightly.
Alex looked a little misty-eyed, but he nodded. “Our moms are taking it pretty hard, though.”
She gave him a kiss on the cheek, which he returned, before she moved closer to Rowena. She walked in front of the older watcher, who seemed oblivious to her presence. It was only when she took a vacant seat on the other side of her that Rowena noticed Liz was there.
“Hey,” Rowena greeted her. “You doing okay, Sweetie?”
“I’m okay. How are you holding up?” Liz asked. Almost immediately afterward, she added, “Don’t answer that. It was a dumb question.”
Rowena gave her a grin and patted her hand. Liz captured it, however, before she could pull it away. A small silence passed between them for a short while as they sat, holding hands.
Rowena released a heavy sigh. “This never gets any easier,” she said. “It’s always hard when the Council loses someone, but some losses…well, they’re harder than others. And I’d like to say you’ll never experience that, but it’s not true. In our profession…well, it’s a very dangerous job.”
“Although it’s appreciated, you don’t have to give me a life lesson right now, Aunt Ro,” Liz told her.
“But everything that happens in life is a lesson, Liz, everything,” Rowena said. “Or at least it should be. How do we improve if we don’t pay attention to what happens around us? How can we prepare for the things to come if we don’t see where we’ve been?”
“True,” Liz agreed.
“Still…this is just…” Rowena trailed off.
“You can never really be prepared for this, huh?” Liz commented.
Rowena didn’t answer vocally. She just bobbed her head. Liz released her grip on Rowena’s hand and put her arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer.
“Maybe we can take some small comfort in knowing that she died for something greater than herself,” Liz told her. “She saved millions of people on, not one, but two continents – how many people can say that, huh?”
Rowena began to grin, just slightly, and nodded. “Well, one life or millions – there is something noble in going out like that I suppose.”
“Now you’re learnin’,” Liz said. Her free hand reached out to squeeze Rowena’s that rested on her knee.
Rowena didn’t reply vocally. Instead, she rested her head on Liz’s shoulder.
Likewise, Liz rested the side of her head on top of Rowena’s as they silently looked at the pictures and appreciative tokens that surrounded Althenea’s casket.
End of Cone of Power
Next on Watchers…
As civil war threatens to break out at the Watchers Council, both Faith and Hope find themselves on a team to investigate a demonic presence at their old high school in Boston.