Sweet little lies
by CN Winters
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All non-original characters herein belong to persons such as Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, UPN, WB, 20th-Century FOX, and so forth, and not me. Original “Watchers” characters are the property of CN Winters and the “Watchers” staff.
Distribution: ask McBragg, it’s his.
Spoilers: through S2 of “Watchers”. Takes place after ‘Chapel of Love’.
Feedback: Greatly appreciated…Here is fine
Pairing: Traditional Watchers pairings
Author’s notes: MCBragg, who matched the winning bid at our Writercon auction asked for a story centering around Giles and Kennedy and what happened after she found out Angel killed Jenny. Thanks for his patience in waiting while I’ve been working on Watchers too.
Summary: Giles tries to offer some insight into Kennedy’s birth mother, Jenny Calendar while going on a trip to face a demon.
Chapter 1
The knock at Kennedy’s door turned her head around. “Yeah? Who is it?” she asked.
There was a hesitation. “It’s Giles. May I come in?”
Giles stood outside her room and jumped slightly when the door opened swiftly in front of him.
“I see you’re back,” Kennedy said. “How was the honeymoon?” she added shortly.
“Wonderful,” he admitted, “But that’s not what I’m here to talk about. May I come in?”
“Suit yourself,” Kennedy said as she left the door opened and turned her back to him.
Giles moved inside and closed the door behind him. “Things were hectic and I didn’t get a chance to speak with you before Becca and I left so I apologize.”
“Can’t say I feel too slighted. I mean you didn’t talk to anyone – just wrote a note and left. With all the crazy folks here I can’t say I really blame you,” she replied.
Giles wore a slight grin. “Yes, well, I just thought you might have some questions regarding Jenny a-and what happened with Angelus.”
“What’s to say?” Kennedy replied. “He killed her. You guys lied to me. End of story.”
“It’s not that simple,” Giles replied.
“Look, it’s over and done with. I can’t change it, nobody can, so let’s just drop it. Alright?”
“If that’s what you wish?” Giles answered.
“It is. Now is there anything else?” she asked.
With a sigh Giles shook his head and made his way to the door. “If you change your mind…”
“I know where to find you,” Kennedy said cutting him short. “Thanks.”
Giles simply nodded and left the room, leaving Kennedy alone.
Chapter 2
“I just told her everything I knew,” Willow said to Giles as they sat in the Watchers rec room. “I told her that we dropped the ball.” Giles eyebrows frowned for an explanation and she went on. “After she started acting more mature we should have mentioned it but it didn’t come up a-and we didn’t say anything.” Giles nodded. “I still think we made the right decision at the time Giles. With as angry as Kennedy was feeling then-.”
“She would have tried to find Angel and the consequences of such could have been very unfortunate…for her.”
“Right,” Willow agreed. “But we should have said something.”
Giles shrugged. “The only thing we…I can do is to try to set things right.”
“And how do you suggest you do that?”
“I’m not sure but perhaps fate will lend a hand,” he replied.
The next day the council members sat around the morning conference table.
“Anything further?” Giles asked.
Seated around him were Kennedy, Rowena, Willow, Faith and Robin.
Faith and Willow both shook their heads.
“I received an interesting call today,” Giles remarked.
“What’s up?” Faith asked.
“There are reports coming out of Akron about some activities concerning a MacGuffin. I’d like to handle it personally and bring a slayer with me to handle it.”
“A MacGuffin?” Rowena asked skeptically. “Isn’t that-?”
“Yes, a powerful demon, usually found in Ireland,” Giles interrupted, “and one that a watcher shouldn’t face alone,” he replied. “I’d like to take Kennedy with me on this mission if Faith can clear her schedule.”
“Fine by me,” Faith replied. Rowena continued to look at Giles with wonderment. She turned toward Willow to see the witch trying to hide her grin behind her hand.
“Good then, anything else?” he asked once more. When no one answered he said, “Meeting adjourned.”
Kennedy stood up to collect her notes and Giles called over. “I’d like to get this evening so can you be ready before dinner. We’ll leave shortly after.”
“Yeah, sure,” Kennedy replied.
Once Kennedy, Faith and Robin left the room Rowena turned to Giles.
“MacGuffin?” she asked. “A dangerous demon you say?”
Giles gave her a guilt try. “Don’t say anything,” he told her.
“And only Kennedy can help you.”
“You’re good Giles,” Willow complimented. “Now let’s hope she doesn’t do a search for the MacGuffin on-line before she leaves or she might change her mind.”
“Which is why we’re leaving right after dinner,” he told her as he picked up his items and went out the door.
Chapter 3
Kennedy sat on one side of the campfire in silence as Giles sat on the other. To the side was a medium sized tent. Absently, she poked the fire with a long stick.
“You resemble Jenny a great deal,” Giles seemed to say out of nowhere. When Kennedy didn’t reply or even look up, he continued. “You remind me of her in other ways too the more I think about it.”
Finally, Kennedy looked over. “And how’s that?” she asked.
“Right there,” Giles replied before starting to grin. “The set jaw, the short response. Jenny was rather good at keeping her guard up when she thought she had to…not unlike yourself.”
Kennedy tossed the stick to the ground. “I wouldn’t know. I never met the woman. And thanks to your slayer’s boy toy I never will.”
At first Giles said nothing. “He tortured me,” he said softly. “Did you know that?”
Kennedy looked up again. “Say what?”
“Angelus. After he killed Jenny he put her in my bed so I went to find him, to kill him. But I failed and he spent hours torturing me until Buffy got there…in fact it was Xander who finally freed me.”
Kennedy gave a slight grin. “He’s good at that,” she said.
“What?” Giles asked.
“Sticking around to save people.”
“Yes, he has quite a brave soul,” Giles replied. “It could be said we both owe him our lives.”
A small silence passed between them and Kennedy sighed. “So this thing we’re supposed to be hunting…looks like a dragon you said?”
“It can be anything you want it to be,” Giles told her. “But I figured since we’re out here we’ll make the most of our time.”
“Look Giles,” she answered. “I’m not up for chit chat, okay? I just want to find this thing and go home.”
“Fair enough,” he replied.
Kennedy rose and picked up the crossbow beside her. “I’m gonna scout the area,” she told him.
He watched her walk away until she slipped from his sight. Once she was gone he reached into his back pocket and took out a picture. In the firelight the image of Jenny reflected back toward him and he smiled.
Chapter 4
The next morning Giles and Kennedy walked through the backwoods – Kennedy in the lead and Giles following behind her.
“I’m glad you decided not to seek revenge on Angel,” Giles said cutting the silence.
“So you’re sweet on him too? Even after he killed my mother?” Kennedy replied in a soft voice.
“No, he could burn in hell of all I care. I’m fond of you,” Giles replied. Kennedy stopped and turned around. Giles continued. “Angel has not survived for over 200 years on sheer luck alone young lady,” he said, his voice growing sterner. “And while I admit you are a tremendous slayer he has his skills too – all of which he would use if you tried to harm him.”
There was a moment of silence between them as Kennedy began walking again. “What makes you think I still won’t go after him, huh?” she asked.
Giles took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “I don’t. But I do hope you realize t-that you have people at the council you love you…myself included.”
Kennedy stopped walking and looked back at Giles again. “I’m gay Giles and you’re married now.”
Giles grinned. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
Kennedy began to crack a grin. “I know I’m just-.”
“Using humor as a defense mechanism. I recognize it.”
“Jenny again, right?” Kennedy asked. Giles simply nodded. “Yeah, well, I doubt there’s anyone at the council who would miss me much if I was gone.”
“Somehow I think this has something to do with Willow.” Kennedy didn’t reply to Giles comment. “Willow does care for you Kennedy. I would even say she loves you – just not the way you would like.”
“I’ve moved on,” Kennedy told him. “I’ve got Mia now so…that’s good.”
“But it’s not the same, is it?”
Kennedy didn’t say anything and she began to look around the trees surrounding them. “If we keep up all this talking we’re going to chase this thing off.”
“I’m more worried about you at the moment. And as I said, you do have people at the Council, aside from Willow and myself, who care. I’d even go so far as to say that Faith is rather found of you too.”
“I’m really just a co-worker when it comes down to it. That’s all I am with any of them, Faith included.”
“You don’t honestly believe that do you?”
“Some days,” Kennedy admitted. “Other days, no…It’s just…you guys all have a history together.”
“It seems you forget that we also have a history with you as well. It’s not as if you just arrived. And as I told you, one of the key reasons we never spoke of what happened is because we do care.”
“But I’m not a child Giles,” Kennedy countered.
“Not any longer, but at the time, you were acting very much like a spoiled brat. It was our error for not saying something sooner.”
“So you didn’t plan on hiding this forever? Is that what you’re telling me?” Kennedy asked.
“Well, quite frankly, that’s exactly what I’m saying. We had every intention of letting you know the complete story but…”
“It didn’t work out the way you planned.”
“Not everything in life does my dear. I seriously thought Jenny would be someone I could spend the rest of my life with. But as it turns out…she spent the rest of her life with me. And for that…I’m sorry.”
“But you didn’t kill her Giles. That vamp SOB did,” Kennedy replied.
“True, but that doesn’t erase the guilt I feel. I-I think of all the things I should have done differently. Just because I’m with Becca now that doesn’t mean I stopped loving Jenny. But as I said, I know going after Angel could end up hurting far more people because like you, people also depend on me too.”
“I think you see me as having more friends than I do.”
“And I think you’re blind. Why don’t we split the difference as you say and you consider that you do have people who are sorry they lost Jenny but would be just as devastated to lose you? Agreed?” Giles said holding out his hand.
Kennedy gave him a slight grin and gave his hand a shake.
The End
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